ADG Hockey (June 2024)

Ages: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Born
Skill Level: No experience needed!
Time/Dates (choose one):
Saturdays - WAITING LIST
Saturdays (learn to skate) - WAITING LIST
*You can sign up at the bottom to join a waiting list in case someone drops out
Where: Komoka Wellness Centre Arena
Cost: $100 + HST (Learn to Skate = $75 + HST)

At Athletic Development Games, our mission is to cultivate a love for sports among children by providing a dynamic and age-appropriate environment that prioritizes fun and exploration. We are committed to fostering athletic development through engaging activities, ensuring every child can discover and enhance their abilities in a joyful and supportive atmosphere.

What Can We Expect?

These sessions will offer something for all kids - from beginner skaters to little hockey players!

Learn to Skate: For kids who are learning to skate. Coaches will organize fun games and activities to engage the kids in skating.

Hockey: For kids who can skate on their own and want to play some hockey. We will split kids by abilities, so we welcome kids who are new to hockey!

Sessions will include free play, fun games, and cross-ice hockey games.

Who Is This For?

This summer session was created for our current ADG hockey players + new parents/players who are interested in testing out our unique ADG philosophy and approach to hockey.

We have spots available for our Fall/Winter "Intro to Hockey" Level 1 & Level 2 & Level 3 (for kids born in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) and would love to show you our approach.

(Note: our Fall/Winter season will run October to January on Saturdays between 10 am - 1 pm. Same time slot each week. Additional on-ice sessions will be run for kids who want to get on the ice for some more fun, too!)

How is ADG Hockey Different?

We have a "fun first" approach to hockey. We aim to try and help every kid fall in love with hockey.

Here are some ways that we try to accomplish that:

Age-Appropriate Environment - I've found that most kids find traditional hockey drills boring. We try to put a fun spin on everything we do so kids can learn and have fun at the same time.

CompetenceThe love of the game often comes from and is associated with the perception that one is good at the game. We use various methods to ensure kids feel like they are having success on the ice and improving their skills (e.g., using multiple pucks to allow for more goals, reducing the playing area to increase opportunities for engagement, and grouping kids by skill level to maintain balanced play).

Autonomy - By giving kids freedom through free play times on the ice or having them chime in on the activities they want to do, they feel in control are more self-determined.

Community - With smaller group sizes, we give kids a sense of belonging and connection with their peers on the ice. As coaches, we try to make a connection with every kid, ensuring they are comfortable on the ice.

In addition to the above, our fall/winter season includes a shorter season, no out-of-town travel, same time slot each week (earliest being 10am!), opportunities for extra hockey sessions for kids who want more, familiarity with kids/coaches across other ADG sports, great parent group, and more!

What Will a Typical June Session Look Like?

Hockey Kids: We always start with free play, where kids can skate and play on the ice as they like. From there we will move into some coach-led games with and without hockey sticks. Then, we will finish with various cross-ice hockey games.

Learn to Skate: The idea is to get kids engaged and intrinsically motivated to explore skating. This includes a lot of free play/skating and some coach-led activities to introduce skating in a fun way.

Will Skills Be Taught?

Research has shown that young kids are "discovery learners" and learn best through experimentation, observation, action & imitation. In other words, play.

My coaching philosophy is to say as little as possible to the kids regarding their technique at this age. We will demonstrate and incorporate basic skills and techniques within games, but mostly, they will learn through experimentation in their play.

What Equipment Do We Need?

Learn to Skate: Hockey helmet with cage and skates are required. Hockey equipment is recommended as kids explore more when it doesn't hurt as much to fall!

Hockey: Full hockey equipment is required, including a neckguard. Herm's Sports is a great place to find used kids gear. If you have any questions about equipment, please reach out to me, as I am happy to help.

About The Coach:

Each session will be run by myself (Kevin) and a few helper coaches. I have recently completed the "Coach 1 - Intro to Coach " with Hockey Canada, along with their "Respect in Sport" and "Gender Identity and Expression" courses.

I have been involved with athletic development for over ten years with my hockey training company. Although that business is online-based coaching, I've enjoyed my transition to coaching kids in recent years and have developed a passion for coaching young kids. This has led to a lot of self-learning through books, textbooks, and research papers. 

I feel like there's a better way to approach youth sports than we usually see. Without getting too deep into it, here are some approaches I believe can be best for young athletes: Discovery Learning, Games-Based Approach, Self-Determination Theory, Silent Sidelines, Ecological Dynamics, Implicit Learning, Free Play.

To learn more about my coaching philosophy with young kids, you can check out my Athletic Development Games Instagram account or check out some of my recommended reads below (top recommendations: Conditions of Children's Talent Development in Sport, Changing The Game, Free Play: A Decade if Writings on Youth Sports, and The Athletic Skills Model). 


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